Rapport sur le mouvement ouvrier chinois | Groupe pro-AIT en Chine

Texte écrit en mandarin et traduit en anglais le 23 janvier 2024 sur le site de l’Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation (Section australienne de l’AIT)

Rapport sur le mouvement ouvrier chinois

Par le groupe pro-AIT en Chine

Changement dans l’action ouvrière

Depuis les dix dernières années nous avons fait le suivi des statistiques des mouvements ouvriers de différentes régions et industries. Ce portrait révèle une situation sociale, politique et économique qui va au-delà du discours officiel. Il laisse aussi présager des changements futurs au sein du mouvement ouvrier.

Tout d’abord, la composition économique et le modèle de développement de la Chine ont subi des changements significatifs. Pendant plus de trois décennies, la Chine était dépendante de l’industrie manufacturière de faible coût destinée à l’exportation. On assiste à l’essor d’industries de services telles que les achats en ligne et la livraison de repas à l’aide de plateformes électroniques. En conséquence, de plus en plus de conflits de travail sont apparus dans des secteurs de services. Du service de la santé et de la restauration au service bancaire et financier, en passant par l’industrie du transport qui en découle, tel que le transport de marchandise.

Le 25 janvier 2021, des centaines d’infirmières de l’hôpital affilié à l’université de Yan’an (dans la province de Shaanxi) ont organisé un sit-in pour demander à l’hôpital une augmentation salariale et le paiement des pensions et de l’assurance médicale des employées. Le même mois, les coursiers de la société Best (dans la province de Hebei) se sont mis en grève parce que leurs patrons ne leur avaient pas payé leurs salaires. Des dizaines de milliers de colis non livrés se sont donc accumulés devant l’entrepôt sans que personne ne les ait livrés.

Si on peut constater que les conflits de travail dans les industries manufacturières traditionnelles stagnent, les conflits de travail dans les industries émergentes sont pour leur part de plus en plus fréquents.

Deuxièmement, depuis les années 1990, l’urbanisation et le développement économique des régions intérieures de la Chine, telles que le Sichuan et le Henan, se sont accélérés. Cela permet aux grandes entreprises des régions côtières d’avoir accès à un plus grand nombre de travailleurs-travailleuses. De plus, on observe aussi que les entreprises côtières se déploient à l’intérieur des terres. Donc les conflits de travail dans ces régions augmentent également.

Il fut un temps où Shenzhen était l’épicentre des manifestations ouvrières en Chine, mais les choses ont changées. En 2015, 75 manifestations ouvrières de l’industrie manufacturière ont été enregistrées à Shenzhen, ce qui représente 75 % de l’ensemble des actions ouvrières organisées de la ville cette année-là. Deux ans plus tard, en 2017, ce chiffre est tombé à 22 %, soit la moitié des actions organisées par des travailleurs-travailleuses de la ville cette année-là.

Enfin, les structures sociales traditionnelles liées au travail se sont effondrées. Les gens sont de plus en plus isolés socialement. De plus, la première génération de travailleurs-travailleuses migrants vieillit progressivement et le manque de main-d’œuvre s’accroît de jour en jour. Les systèmes de protection sociale tels que les pensions sont confrontés à des défis sans précédent. Depuis 2000, les usines ont remplacé les relations régionales et familiales sur lesquelles les travailleurs-travailleuses s’appuyaient autrefois, en leur offrant un lieu naturel de solidarité et de relations de réciprocité.

Continuer la lecture de « Rapport sur le mouvement ouvrier chinois | Groupe pro-AIT en Chine »

New strikes and protests in Russia (CRAS-IWA)

The Confederation of Revolutionary Anarcho-Syndicalists (CRAS) is a working class initiative that takes the position of the anarchist labor movement. Section of the International Workers’ Association (I.A.T.) in the Russian region. Source: https://aitrus.info/node/6180
[Machine translation]

No matter how hard the Russian ruling classes try to achieve “national unity” under the pretext of a “military operation,” the mood of the working people is far from the imaginary “unanimous support” of the authorities. Sporadic strikes and local protests continued to break out in various parts of the country in October and November. The population’s dissatisfaction is caused by a general deterioration in the socio-economic situation.

As is clear from the results of a survey conducted by specialists from the online recruiting platform hh.ru, about 45% of Russians are faced with the fact that their salaries are not enough to meet basic needs (in 2021, only 25% of respondents faced the same shortage of funds) . Another 36% of survey participants said that their income barely covers basic needs (two years ago, 39% of respondents gave this assessment of their financial condition). Now only 20% of Russians receive a salary that is enough for everything they need, while in 2021 there were 36% ( https://news.ru/society/polovina-rossiyan-stolknulas-s-nehvatkoj-deneg-n. .. ).

In this situation, it is not surprising that people continue to protest for a variety of reasons: from non-payment of wages to destruction of the environment and their living conditions.


Hundreds of Pavlovsk residents gathered on November 25 at the village stadium for a rally against the construction of a landfill. Participants demanded that another location for the dump be chosen. According to those present, the appearance of the complex will worsen the environmental situation. People doubted that the authorities had carried out the necessary studies before developing the landfill project. They threatened to recall deputies who would support the project and called for the introduction of a separate waste collection system in all cities of the region to solve the garbage problem. A week before the rally, local activists collected 2.5 thousand signatures against the construction of the landfill ( https://t.me/kprfaltay/4242 )

Astrakhan region

On November 22, workers at the Kozlovo water station in the Volodarsky district stopped working due to non-payment of wages for 4 months. As a result, water supply was limited in the villages of Paromny, Volodarsky, and the villages of Kozlovo, Marfino, Vatazhka, Kudrino, Kzyl-Tan, Dianovka. The head of the district managed to achieve the launch of water after negotiations with the head and employees of the Central Vodokanal ( https://astrakhan.su/news/housing/v-volodarskom-rajone-otklyuchili-holod… )


Residents of four villages are planning a public rally against flagstone mining. They asked the head of the Kalchurovsky village council to coordinate the gathering. But the head said that the two places allocated for quarries are not included in the village council. Activists found maps and were convinced that the lands belonged to their settlement and the Temasovsky village council. ( https://t.me/baymabzelil/1411 ). Let us recall that in May, more than a thousand residents of the region held a public gathering against gold mining on the Irandyk mountain range, after which others followed. They re-elected the head of the village of Ishmurzino, although the authorities called it illegal. In June, the company abandoned gold mining in the area.

Ivanovo region

Protesters against the construction of a landfill in the vicinity of Shuya took to the regional highway, pasted over cars with leaflets and stickers with a link to a petition for refusing to place waste in the area ( https://vk.com/info37?w=wall-69296730_2324221 ). Activists declared the protest indefinite and called on other drivers to join it. Local residents reported that traffic police blocked the highway. A petition against the construction of the landfill has collected 3.3 thousand signatures. Local residents said that the appearance of the landfill would leave Shuya and dozens of settlements in the vicinity of the city without clean water. Protesters accused officials of trying to hide the start of construction; they only learned about the project during a public hearing on October 19.

Irkutsk region

We have already reported on protests by shift workers of the Grand Stroy company who worked at Gazprom’s Kovyktinskoye field and did not receive wages for months ( https://aitrus.info/node/6164 ). Driven to despair, they declared their readiness to block the highway due to salary arrears ( https://iznanka.news/articles/Vazhnoe/Vakhtoviki-grozyat-perekryt-trassu… ). Only after this did the prosecutor’s office force the employer to repay in full the debt of 119 employees of the construction company in the amount of more than 8 million rubles ( https://vk.com/wall-213632682_1511 )

Orenburg region

Shift workers hired to overhaul the gas plant refused to go to work. The reason for the strike was non-payment of wages. The contract with the Yekaterinburg company SMT for carrying out the work was concluded by the GSP Remont society, part of the Gazstroy group of companies ( https://orengrad.ru/obshhestvo/v-orenburge-bastuyut-vahtoviki-priehavshi… ). Some of the workers did not wait for unpaid wages and went home. They told journalists that they saw no point in sitting in a hotel, wasting time waiting for their salary. While those who live in the Orenburg region are leaving ( https://orenday.ru/news/201123164523 )

Leningrad region

On November 15, a strike occurred at the Vyborg shipyard. Workers in hard hats and overalls gathered on the site in front of the plant building and in one of the rooms and began to voice complaints against management. According to the VKontakte public page of the publication « Requisite Vyborg », the company’s employees are demanding an explanation about the significant reduction in salaries. “Employees were asked to return to work, they were promised to review the protocol and schedule a separate meeting to answer all their questions.” The protocol contained questions to the leadership based on the results of a kind of strike. The production director, who came out to the audience, accepted the protocol. A general meeting of the labor collective is scheduled to be held ( https://47news.ru/articles/241012/ ).


Deliverers of medium-sized and large-sized goods from the Sber online service went on strike against a reduction in their wages. The strike began on the morning of November 18. Dozens of minibuses and Gazelles stood near the Sber Logistics warehouse building at 26 Moskovskoye Shosse, blocking the exits. As one driver said, the money given to them on payday caused widespread disappointment. Before this, Sber employees received 1,000 rubles for the delivery of one large item, but now the prices have changed. Many were not given the amounts they expected. “This was explained by the fact that a new program has started working, which calculates the weight of the goods and its dimensions differently. Roughly speaking, those who were supposed to receive 50,000 rubles per week received a maximum of 30,000. We were presented with a fact: either you agree to the conditions, or you can quit, since no one is holding anyone here,” the employee described the situation ( https: //megapolisonline.ru/voditeli-sbermarketa-ustroili-zabastovku-v-sh… ). According to workers, couriers received a salary 20-30 thousand less than expected due to a change in the algorithm for calculating the weight and dimensions of goods, and those who were dissatisfied were asked to look for another job. Negotiations began between the protest participants and the management, and the strikers were promised a recalculation, after which they parted ways ( https://megapolisonline.ru/bastovavshie-voditeli-sbermarketa-razoshlis-s… )

Rostov region

Residents of the Krasnokrymsky rural settlement tried to organize a protest rally against uncontrolled development, a faulty housing and communal services system and the lack of a water protection zone near the rivers. The villagers wanted to collect signatures under a list of demands to the district authorities ( https://161.ru/text/gorod/2023/11/05/72884930/?utm_source=telegram&utm_m… ). The meeting was supposed to take place on November 5 in the village of Chaltyr, where the district administration building is located. But the administration of the Chaltyrsky rural settlement wrote in an official response that “there are now many bots and people running who, under different nicknames and avatars, are exciting the people.” According to officials, there is no need to hold a rally, since “the SVO is now underway.” The head of the settlement, Dzadur Tyzykhyan, tried three times to get permission to hold a rally, but was refused each time, and on the eve of the planned rally he was summoned to the police for a “conversation” about the inadmissibility of the protest.

Sverdlovsk region

On October 15, residents of the city of Sysert went out on a picket against the construction of a landfill. Several dozen townspeople gathered there. The authorities banned the rally, so the participants had to speak without microphones ( https://t.me/ve4ved/70407 ). The fight against the landfill project has been going on since at least the spring of 2023. Her opponents collected thousands of signatures and have already organized protests ( https://aitrus.info/node/6169 ). Under pressure from the protests, deputies of the regional Legislative Assembly were also forced to “move.” In September, after an appeal from deputies, Rosselkhoznadzor confirmed that Agropromkredit Bank, which owns the land, violated the rules for using the site. The department issued a warning to the owner of the territory. After the picket on October 15, a group of deputies demanded the confiscation of the land allocated for the landfill ( https://vk.com/kprfekb?w=wall-8986414_45903 ).


Residents of Izhevsk are protesting against the placement of military factories for the production of drones among urban development. Three city shopping and entertainment centers have already been converted for this production ( https://newizv.ru/news/2023-09-15/konets-filmov-v-izhevske-tretiy-tts-za… ). Dozens of graffiti appeared on the walls of buildings, fences and asphalt as a sign of protest ( https://m.vk.com/wall-61949408_43315?post_add )


On November 16, workers at the Inaglinsky mining and processing plant (part of the Kolmar company) held a one-day strike. “People are paid pennies, they are not paid extra, the workload is heavy, the drivers charge more than the norm (it’s illegal according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation!), there are endless problems with buses, they arrive from the day shift as early as 10 p.m., people couldn’t stand it, after yesterday’s salary, they went on strike for Kolmar. The cars just stood there and the bosses arrived. And now the strikers will simply be fired, because they will find a reason. Aren’t they right?! Just a cry from the heart! “Kolmar will get away with it again!” the miners said. The strike occurred after the payment of wages (an average of 80 thousand rubles was issued), which was obviously incomplete. The management promised to pay off the debts by December 1, and a meeting will be held at the enterprise in connection with the incident ( https://1sn.ru/platyat-kopeiki-v-yakutii-rabotniki-kolmara-proveli-odnod… )